QR Codes for Site Inductions

SiteBook's Generic QR-Codes come standard on every SiteBook sign and can be used accross all of your worksites.

Generic QR-Codes are based off of your Project Settings, meaning the same QR-Code can be set up to work differently for each project.


SiteBook QR-Codes can take users to different places depending on your preferences.

  • Website will let the user complete their induction/check-in in their mobile phones web browser.
  • Mobile App will open the SiteBook app and let the user complete their induction/check-in via the app. Users will also be able to access any shared cloud documents (e.g. Plans & Specs). Users without the SiteBook app installed will be taken to the app store.
  • User Choice gives users the option to continue in the website, or to download the mobile app.



All projects use the same QR-Code, but direct the user to different screens depending on the site settings.


To Set-up your Site Settings:


Monitor a Project


Select the Update tab


Select the Options tab


Select the Induction Method from the drop-down menu:

  • Web Site will take users to the website via their phone web browser.
  • User can choose gives users the option to use the website or download the mobile app.
  • Mobile App opens the mobile app or takes users to the app store if they haven't yet downloaded the app.


If you would like users to check-in and record their attendance, ensure the 'Show Site Attendance' option is ticked.


If you need assistance getting your worksites set up, please contact us at support@sitebook.com.au