SiteBook QR-Code Options

The QR-Code options are as follows:

  1. A generic QR-Code which takes users to the SiteBook app.
    Workers need to enter a Site Code to access the site induction & attendance inside the SiteBook App.
  2. A generic QR-Code which takes users to a web-induction.
    Workers need to enter a Site Code to access the site induction via their phone web-browser.
  3. Site-specific QR-Codes which take the users to a web-browser induction.


SiteBook recommends option 2, as it is the easiest for contractors to use, and can also be mass-printed.

Here is a summary of features:


  Option 1 Option 2 Option 3
  Generic QR-Code (app) Generic QR-Code (web) Site-Specific QR-Code
No Download required -
No logging-in required -
No Site-Code required - -
Mass printable -
Access to cloud documents - -



The only setup required for the generic QR-Codes would be to write the Site Code on the sign where the QR-Code is displayed.

For example, one of our core flute signs is pictured below:

Feel free to try scanning the QR-Code on the above sign and entering one of your own Site Codes to try out the process

Setting up your QR-Code

SiteBook's Generic QR-Codes come standard on every SiteBook sign and can be used accross all of your worksites.

Generic QR-Codes are based off of your Project Settings, meaning the same QR-Code can be set up to work differently for each project.


As an example:

  • Project 101 --- takes users to a website induction.
  • Project 202 --- opens the mobile app and checks users into the attendance register.
  • Project 303 --- lets users choose to continue in the website, or download the mobile app.


All projects use the same QR-Code, but direct the user to different screens depending on the site settings.


To Set-up your Site Settings:


Monitor a Project


Select the Update tab


Select the Options tab


Select the Induction Method from the drop-down menu:

  • Web Site will take users to the website via their phone web browser.
  • User can choose gives users the option to use the website or download the mobile app.
  • Mobile App opens the mobile app or takes users to the app store if they haven't yet downloaded the app.


If you would like users to check-in and record their attendance, ensure the 'Show Site Attendance' option is ticked.



If you need assistance getting your worksites set up, please contact us at

Need another Template? contact us with your requirements.

We can do your artwork for your signsContact us for more information.

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