SWMS Mobile App

SiteBook's mobile app allows workers to easily prepare a SWMS on site using their mobile phone

The process is simple:

  • Select a SWMS template
  • Choose the Job Steps required
  • Review and sign-off
  • Have workers sign-on

Watch our video to see a SWMS being prepared on the mobile app:

Supervisors can amend the SWMS at any time, by adding, editing, or removing activities and job steps.

Upon completing a SWMS a PDF report is generated and saved to that Job’s Documents folder.

The finished PDF report can be emailed to builders if required.

The SiteBook mobile app is available for both iOS and Android devices including phones and tablets.

Along with on-site SWMS, the app also offers other safety management features:

  • Pre-Start Checklists
  • Safety and Quality Checklists and Inspections
  • Worker Inductions (with licence and permit collections)
  • Vehicle / Plant registers

To see a full list of the app’s features click here