Contractor Business Name Check

We have just added a new feature to automatically check the registered business name of your subcontractors , based on the ABN they supplied.

Recent changes to Tax reporting  requirements mean that builders must to supply all subcontractor payments to the tax office, including the registered business name of the payee ( not the trading name! )

SiteBook will automatically perform a business name check to find the registered business name, when your subcontractor provides their information in SiteBook. This information is populated directly from the Australian Business Register using the ABN supplied, and cannot be modified or altered.

Builders can use this feature in  the Edit  Contractor Page (shown above). The registered business name is displayed on the page.
Give it a try by editing your own business, entering your ABN, then press “Lookup ABN”.

Available now in SiteBook.
Questions, comments, and feature requests can be sent to



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