How to improve Your email delivery rate

Emails sent from SiteBook on your behalf, generally do not end up in the recipients “Junk Mail”, because we go to great lengths to make sure we abide by the email delivery rules & standards.

However if you change the “Email From” in a template from the default “” to your email address, then that will increase the risk of emails ending up in a Junk folder.

When an email is delivered, the email delivery system runs a series of checks to determine if an email is junk or spam. Each check is results in a score, and if the total ‘score’ breaks a threshold then the email will be flagged as spam and sent to a junk folder.

Here are some steps to increase the delivery rate of your emails when they are sent with the “Email From” changed to :

1. Ask recipients to add you to their email address book.

When your email is received the email program checks the address book to see if the sender is known, and if so the junk filter rules are not applied.

2. Allow SiteBook to send emails on your behalf

Ask your Computer support person to setup a Sender Policy Framework (SPF) record to allow SiteBook to send emails on behalf of See the details here.

3. Do not use special characters in your email

Sending emails with asters such as:  ***Please Note*** ; or with other special characters will increase the Junk score of an email.

4. Do not send unsolicited emails.

If you do a bulk mail out of something that is not relevant or not wanted by the recipient, and they press the “Junk Mail” button, just once, then your emails may be blocked forever on that persons email system, and you may also receive a status of “Junk email sender” with associations are the authority on junk mail such as “spamhaus”.


If your emails do end up in junk, then ask the recipient to forward the email to your IT support person, so they can check the “Message Header” to determine how the fix the problem.

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