SiteBook Procore Interface

We are excited to announce that our Procore interface is almost complete! The SiteBook development team has recently finished work on a ‘Connector’ API to the US-based construction management software Procore. After a number of requests from our builders who use both SiteBook and Procore, we began development on a way for our systems to…

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Tower crane audit reveals limited inspection knowledge among owners

Results are in from the latest WorkSafe WA inspection campaign for tower crane maintenance across both metropolitan and regional construction sites. The audit findings suggest that tower crane owners have a limited understanding of correct procedures for major inspections of the cranes. Most of the cranes were following the recommended inspection and maintenance schedules set…

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Company fined for operating without high-risk work licence

A construction company has been fined $2,160 after a allowing a worker to operate an elevated working platform (EWP) without a high-risk work licence. SafeWork SA issued the company with an expiation after an inspector witnessed the operation of a mobile boom-type EWP and discovering that the operator did not hold the required licence. The…

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Company fined $20k for failing to induct contractors

A Victorian aged-care provider was recently convicted and fined $20,000 for failing to properly induct sub-contracted workers. The company was charged with ‘failing to ensure people other than employees were not exposed to risks to their health and safety’. After an incident occurred leaving a resident in need of medical care, the subcontracted worker was…

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Updates to respirable dust laws for WA and NSW

The WA and NSW governments have recently taken steps to further aid prevention of respirable crystalline silica (RCS) exposure and other occupational dust diseases. Western Australia Western Australia have halved their workplace exposure standard for RCS to 0.05 mg/m3 over an 8-hour period. WA have also halved the exposure limit for respirable coal dust to…

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Residential construction sites issued $11,000 in fines

Residential construction sites have been put on notice after a string of WorkSafe ACT inspections resulted in multiple notices and over $11,000 in fines. 10 sites in Taylor were visited by WorkSafe inspectors earlier this month, who issued 23 improvement notices, four prohibition notices, and four infringement notices for non-compliance. The inspections were part of…

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SafeWork Australia releases Key WHS Statistics Report 2020

SafeWork Australia has released their key findings report for work-related injury and fatality statistics. This is part of National Safe Work Month and part SafeWork’s goal of using data to make workplaces safe. Among Australian work industries, construction posted the third highest number of fatalities and the fifth highest fatality rate per 100,000 workers this…

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Results of SafeWork SA SWMS compliance audit

SafeWork SA have released a report following their 2020 Safe Work Method Statement (SWMS) compliance audits. Construction workers after exposed to a wide variety of risks, and the construction industry frequently records high rates of injury and death among workers. As a result, the construction industry has been marked as a priority in the Australian…

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$466k in fines for company failing to provide safe plant

A Victorian road maintenance company has been fined the maximum penalty after the death of a driver in 2017. The company and its owner plead guilty under Victoria’s OHS Act to the charge of failing to provide and maintain safe plant. The company received a fine of $388,650 while the owner was fined $77,730, the…

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Second wave of silica dust compliance audits

SafeWork SA has announced a second round of silica dust exposure audits from this October onwards. This follows the implementation of the new nationally agreed exposure limits and similar audits in 2019. SafeWork SA will be targeting the issues identified in last year’s audits and work with companies to ensure that the new exposure limit…

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