Victorian Employers Must Inform WorkSafe of COVID Cases

New regulations mean Victorian employers are now required to immediately notify WorkSafe should they become aware a worker has a confirmed positive Coronavirus (COVID-19) diagnosis.

These new regulations under the Occupational Health and Safety Act aim to help WorkSafe reduce health and safety risks in the workplace due to COVID-19.

Quickly reporting positive cases and notifying WorkSafe is crucial for managing the transmission and containment of coronavirus cases.

Any employers aware of a confirmed coronavirus (COVID-19) diagnosis from an employee, an independent contractor, or a contractor’s employee must notify WorkSafe immediately if that person has attended the workplace during the infectious period.

Any self-employed person is also required to inform WorkSafe immediately upon receiving a positive coronavirus diagnosis if they have visited the workplace during the infectious period.

The infectious period:

  • Begins 14 days prior to the onset of symptoms


  • Begins 14 days prior to a confirmed diagnosis (Whichever comes first)
  • Lasts until clearance from isolation is received from the Department of Health and Human Services

Anyone failing to notify WorkSafe can face fines of up to $39,652 (240 penalty units) for an individual or $198,264 (1200 penalty units) for a body corporate.

These new regulations are currently in effect (as of July 28th 2020) and will remain in place for 12 months.

To notify WorkSafe Victoria call the WorkSafe advisory service on 13 23 60.

For more information visit WorkSafe Victoria’s website.

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