SiteBook Update – Dec 2014

During December we will release the latest version of  SiteBook, designed to save time and make it easier to use.

Here are the main changes:

Monitor Contractors

The “Monitor” Contractors’ page has been de-cluttered.



The main changes to the Monitor page include :

1. The contractors displayed in the list are your contractors only.
If one of your contractor engages a sub-contractor, then the sub-contractor details are grouped with your Contractor.  So the “Docs:2” counter and “Personnel:3” will sum  docs/workers for both contractor their subcontractors.

Details of Documents and personnel are accessible via the “Status” button (see below: WHS Compliance Status).


2. Hi-Risk work & Hazchem Icons removed.
We now assume that a contractor is required to provide a SWMS for every job, unless they check a box to declare:  “I am NOT performing high risk work on this Job , so no SWMS is required”.  If the contractor fails to supply a SWMS , or fails to check the “no Hi Risk Work”, then a warning message is displayed.


3. Removed warning message: “Requires Card to be sighted.”
This Waring message will be turned OFF by default.

Regulation 317 states: “Principal contractor must ensure that workers have a White Card.”, so we ask Workers to provide their White card details in SiteBook.
If a Worker fails to supply their white card details, then a warning message id displayed.

Site managers can still view the card details in SiteBook at any time, if it is supplied, and we recommend that Site Managers sight White cards during the monthly Site inspection/audit.

4. Removed warning message  “Not Reviewed” for Safety Documents supplied by contractor.
As per Item 2 above, a warning message will now be displayed if the Contractor fails to upload their SWMS.

The site manager can still view a Contractors’ SWMS any time (if supplied),  and we  recommend that Site Managers review the contractors SWMS, during the monthly Site inspection/audit.


 WHS Compliance Status Page

This is a new page designed to :

1. Make it easier for Contractors to provide safety information including SWMS, Workers, and any Sub-Contractors.

2.  Provide Site Managers with a single page view of compliance status of a contractor.

WHS Status

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