SiteBook Updates Mar-24

Whats New in SiteBook? We’re excited to share some updates and features with you regarding our software that we believe will streamline your workflow and enhance your productivity. SiteBook has evolved from a safety system into an All-in-One Construction Management System, now covering quoting, budgets, scheduling, invoice management and more. Todays highlight is on our…

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WHS Duties are NOT transferable to subcontractors

Construction company Managers are reminded that their Duties under the WHS Act 2012 are not transferable to other people, including  subcontractors. Some examples of duties of the Principal Contractor include: Prepare a WHS Management Plan for each project before commencing work. Ensure each person is made aware of WHS Management plan before commencing work. Obtain copy…

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SiteBook Update – Dec 2014

During December we will release the latest version of  SiteBook, designed to save time and make it easier to use. Here are the main changes: Monitor Contractors The “Monitor” Contractors’ page has been de-cluttered.   The main changes to the Monitor page include : 1. The contractors displayed in the list are your contractors only.…

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How to send Email Alerts to Workers

SiteBook make it easy to send an email notification/alert to all workers that have been assigned to a work site: Main Menu => Work Site List Select “Email Workers”   1. Type in your message, 2. Select Recipients (Workers) 3. Press Send.  To check emails were send:  Main Menu=> Admin=> Emails Sent.  

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How to Remove a person from the Workers List

To remove a person from your Workers List in SiteBook, Edit the Personnel record and un-Check the “Active Flag”. From the Main Menu, select  Personnel => Personnel List. Click on the name of the Person to open the “Edit Personnel” page. Un-Check the “Active Flag” : see picture below.      

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Job Management for Building Contractors

Contractors in building/construction now have an option of a low cost, online job management app in SiteBook. The new SiteBook module was developed for a local business that needed app to manage the life-cycle of jobs including: Quotes Job Sheets / Work Orders for staff and sub-contractors Keeping tack of time spent on jobs ,…

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SWMS For Trades

SiteBook has teamed up with “Choose Safety” to provide Safe Work Method Statements (SWMS) and Safety Packs to Trades in construction. SWMS are available for most residential and commercial building trades. For a list of available SWMS click here. If your trade is not listed, then a SWMS can be prepared for you by Choose…

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Manager faces $300k fine and/or Jail term after safety breach

The death of a Worker on a construction site has resulted in SafeWork ACT laying charges of reckless conduct against the Employer (company) and a manager under the Work Health and Safety Act. The 21 year old worker was killed when a concrete boom collapsed on him on a work site in ACT. The NSW…

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How to share Plans & Specifications with Trades

With SiteBook, It’s easy to share the latest version of Plans and Specifications for a Job, with your trades ( or subcontractors). Here is how: [mt_clear padding=”40″] 1. Upload the Plans and Specifications From the Main Menu (Click on the SiteBook logo to get to the main menu): 1. Select Work Site List 2. Select…

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Spot the Hazard – Risky Business # 2

Risky Business # 2 Can you identify the hazard in the photo below that may expose workers to the risk of death or serious injury? [mt_clear padding=”20″] Click on the “+”  below to reveal the hazard. [mt_toggle title=”Answer for Risky Business photo 2″]  Gaps in scaffolding! [/mt_toggle] [mt_clear padding=”40″] Feel free to leave a comment if…

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