Victoria’s COVID Reopening Roadmap Summary

The Victorian Government has released their COVID roadmaps to reopening for both Melbourne metro and regional Victoria.

Both roadmaps follow a 4-step reopening process, with Melbourne and regional Vic each taking different steps towards a return to normalcy.

It is important to note that all dates past Step 1 for Metro Melbourne and Step 2 for Regional Victoria may be subject to change based on trigger points and public health advice.

Any date listed as a trigger point denotes a point for review by Victoria’s public health team to consider any potential changes to restrictions based on the current circumstances.

View Metro Melbourne’s roadmap here.

View Regional Victoria’s roadmap here.


As of 17/09/2020 the roadmap is as follows:

Step 1

Regional Victoria

Step 1 only applies to Metro Melbourne.

Metro Melbourne (11:59pm, 13 September)

Expands the capacity for social interaction.

Step 2

Regional Victoria (11:59pm, 13 September)

This includes social bubbles, visitor allowances, and the staged return of education.

Metro Melbourne (28 September subject to trigger points and public health advice)

This includes social bubbles and the phased return of some workforces and education.

Step 3

Regional Victoria (11:59pm, 16 September)

Increased reopening for sport, recreation, ceremonies and special occasions.

Metro Melbourne (26 October subject to trigger points and public health advice)

Major industries return, increased reopening for education, sport, recreation, ceremonies and special occasions.

Last Step

Statewide (23 November subject to trigger points and public health advice)

Increase of numbers for gatherings and hospitality.

COVID Normal

No restrictions for gatherings, visitors, hospitality or sport.

For more information visit the Victorian Government’s website.

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